Africa and the Middle East Stock Exchanges
African Stock Exchanges
Beirut Stock Exchange
Istanbul Stock Exchange
Johannesburg Stock Exchange
South African Futures Exchange
Tehran Stock Exchange
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Australia and Oceania Stock Exchanges
Australian Stock Exchange
New Zealand Stock Exchange
Sydney Futures Exchange
Karachi Stock Exchange
Korea Stock Exchange
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange
National Stock Exchange of India
Nagoya Stock Exchange - (Japanese) (English
Osaka Stock Exchange - (Japanese) (English
Shenzhen Stock Exchange - (Chinese) (English
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Stock Exchange of Thailand (English
Surabaya Stock Exchange - (Indonesia)
Taiwan Stock Exchange -(English version
Tokyo Grain Exchange - (Japan)
Tokyo Stock Exchange - (Japan) (English
Athens Stock Exchange - (Greece)
Bilbao Stock Exchange- (Spain)
Bolsa de Barcelona - (Spain)
Bolsa de Madrid - (Spain)
Budapest Stock Exchange - (Hungary)
Europe Stock Exchanges "C-D-E"
Copenhagen Stock Exchange - (Denmark)
Deutsche Börse (DTB) - (Germany)
EASDAQ - (Belgium)
Euronext N.V. is the first genuinely cross-border exchange organization in Europe. It provides services for regulated stock and derivatives markets in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, as well as in the UK (derivatives only). It is Europe’s leading stock exchange based on trading volumes on the central order book.
Euronext - (France)
Euronext N.V. is the first genuinely cross-border exchange organization in Europe. It provides services for regulated stock and derivatives markets in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, as well as in the UK (derivatives only). It is Europe’s leading stock exchange based on trading volumes on the central order book.
Europe Stock Exchanges "F-G-H"
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB) - (Germany)
Geneva Stock Exchange - (Switzerland)
Helsinki Stock Exchange - (Finland)
Europe Stock Exchanges "I-J-K-L"
Italian Stock Exchange
Ljubljana Stock Exchange - (Slovenia)
London Metal Exchange - (UK)
London Stock Exchange - (UK)
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Europe Stock Exchanges "M-N-O"
Macedonian Stock Exchange
MEFF Renta Fija - (Spain)
Moscow Central Stock Exchange - (Russia)
National Stock Exchange of Lithuania
Neuer Markt - (Germany)
Oslo Stock Exchange - (Norway)
Europe Stock Exchanges "P-Q-R"
Prague Stock Exchange - (Czech Republic)
Europe Stock Exchanges "S-T-U"
St. Petersburg Futures Exchange - (Russia)
Stockholm Stock Exchange - (Sweden)
Swiss Stock Exchange
Tallinn Stock Exchange - (Estonia)
Tradepoint Stock Exchange - (UK)
Europe Stock Exchanges "V-W-X-Y-Z"
Warsaw Stock Exchange - (Poland)
Zagreb Stock Exchange - (Croatia)
North America Stock Exchanges "A-B-C"
Alberta Stock Exchange - (Canada)
Alberta Stock Exchange and Vancouver Stock Exchange have merged to form the Canadian Venture Exchange. see below
American Stock Exchange
(see NYSE Arca®)
Boston Stock Exchange
Canadian Venture Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange(CSC)
see NYBOT below
North American Stock Exchanges "K-L-M"
Kansas City Board of Trade
Minneapolis Grain Exchange
Montreal Stock Exchange- (Canada)
North American Stock Exchanges "N-O-P"
New York Mercantile Exchange
New York Board of Trade. This exchange was formed from the merging of the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE) and the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange(CSC).
Welcome to the Archipelago Exchange®, the nation's first totally open, all electronic stock market. Our acquisition of the Pacific Exchange® (PCXsm) has allowed us to create a market place that features the best of both worlds — all electronic trading, openness, speed and a best execution model.
Pacific Stock Exchange
Pacific Exchange equities trading now takes place exclusively through NYSE Arca (formerly known as ArcaEx), an Electronic Communications Network. see above.
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
North American Stock Exchanges "T-U-V-W"
Toronto Stock Exchange - (Canada)
Vancouver Stock Exchange - (Canada)
Alberta Stock Exchange and Vancouver Stock Exchange have merged to form the Canadian Venture Exchange. see above
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange - (Canada)
South/Central America and the Caribbean Stock Exchanges
Bermuda Stock Exchange
Bolsa Boliviana de Valores
Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires - (Argentina)
Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago - (Chile)
Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros - (Brazil)
Bolsa de Valores de Caracas
Bolsa de Valores de Lima
Bolsa de Valores de Nicaragua
Bolsa de Valores de Panama
Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro - (Brazil)
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
Caracas Stock Exchange - (Venezuela)
Cayman Islands Stock Exchange
Cuba Stock Exchange
Jamaica Stock Exchange
Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange - (Brazil)
Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) - (Brazil)
Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange
Trading Extras "A"
The American Association of Individual Investors specializes in providing investment education in the areas of: investing basics, financial planning & retirement, comparing mutual funds, stock market investing, and improving your investment portfolio.
Welcome to “The Investor and Traders Web Site.” Just about everything an Online Investor or DayTrader needs.
Ameritrade offers a suite of powerful trading tools. So you can track the market in real time, analyze trends as they happen, and take action when the time is right.
Trading Extras "C"
CEO Express
Information has proliferated, jobs have become more competitive and time consuming, so executives have sought ways to make their lives easier. CEOExpress Company addresses the growing demands on professionals and their firms for tools to help them save time and work more productively.
Corporate Information
Welcome to the source for global corporate information on the leading companies in over 55 countries. Enter either the Company Name or Ticker Symbol in the "Search Company Reports" box to obtain Free Snapshot Reports on any of over 31,000 Companies.
Trading Extras "D"
Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) Provides services and information to assist veterans of foreign wars and their families.
Trading Extras "E"
The value behind E*TRADE FINANCIAL's name lies in its tireless effort to challenge the old ways of doing business. We succeed in delivering a diversified and integrated portfolio of innovative, customer-focused brokerage and banking products and services by remaining true to our operating ideals and well-proven formula-regularly asking, can this be done better?
Trading Extras "F"
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) Provides a comprehensive collection of banking and consumer news as well as laws and regulations regarding FDIC.
Federal Reserve System
The nFederal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.
Fraud Bureau
Welcome to the Fraud Bureau, a free service, established to alert online consumers and investors of prior complaints relating to online vendors including sellers at online auctions and to provide consumers, investors and users with information and news on how to safely surf, shop and invest on the net.
How to Get the Company Information You Need from EDGAR Online Today. EDGAR Online offers a choice of subscription options for users of financial and company information.
Trading Extras "G"
Trading Extras "H"
Holt Stock Report
Emailed each market day.
Hoover's Online
Hoover's, Inc., delivers comprehensive company, industry, and market intelligence that drives business growth. Our database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world's top business enterprises, is at the core of our business tools and services that customers find vital to their business operations.
Trading Extras "I"
Inside Wall Street
The mission at Harrison, Elliott & Brown, LLC. is to maximize stock market liquidity through education. Whether you are an investor visiting this website as a potential subscriber to Inside Wall Street, our newsletter, or a stockbroker, representing clients who are serious about making profits in the small cap sector, or the CEO of a public company seeking quality representation for your firm, our message is the same.
Business/Financial news
Trading Extras "N"
National Association of Securities Dealers
(NASD) Provides publications, services, and training for investors and those interested in learning more about investing.
Nightly Business Report
From the Public Broadcasting Service
Trading Extras "P"
Powered by Business Solutions, the leading provider of professional-quality, customized market data and enterprise content solutions for investors, media companies, and financial institutions.
Perfomance Capital
Pink Sheets
Trading Extras "R"
Trading Extras "S"
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) Provides current news, bulletins, as well as investor and small business assistance.
Securities Investor Protection Act-1970
(SIPC) A nonprofit, membership corporation, funded by its member securities broker-dealers. The SIPC provides services to protect against losses caused by the financial failure of the broker-dealer.
Silicon Investor
Trading Extras "W"
Wall Street DEX
WallStreet DEX provides basic contact information for over 60,000 service providers & products of interest to investors and traders. Over 6,000 listings now contain descriptive summaries with information request forms and links to their company internet sites.
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