Federal Rules of Civil Procedure These rules govern the conduct of all civil actions brought in Federal district courts. While they do not apply to suits in state courts, the rules of many states have been closely modeled on these provisions.
ABA-CLE Calendar of Events
ABA Connection Teleconferences
A Good Lawyer
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia
Illinois State Bar Association CLE
Institute of Continuing Legal Education
Iowa Law School Continuing Legal Education
Kansas CLE Commission
MCLE Center for Continuing Legal Education
Minnesota CLE
National Association of Legal Assistants CE
New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
New York State Bar CLE Publications
PACE Center for Continuing Legal Education
Pennsylvania Bar Institute
South Carolina CLE
Summary of MCLE State Requirements
Summary of MCLE State Requirements
Tennessee Commission on CLE and Specialization
University of Mississippi CLE
Utah State Bar CLE
Virginia CLE
Washburn School of Law CLE
Washington State Bar Association CLE
WisBar Committees Continuing Legal Education
Yahoo CLE Listings
Better Business Bureau (BBB) Provides information to help consumers and business maintain an ethical marketplace. Use the site's BBB Online to find out whether a specific business is BBB-certified.
Consumer Law Page Protect against consumer fraud, what to look for when hiring a lawyer, consumer complaint center for anyone injured by a car, consumer product, food or ?
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) Provides online publications and a Get Out of Debt Index providing assistance to those in debt.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Provides information to support their efforts to stop actions threatening consumers' opportunities to exercise informed choice. The site also contains information about federal antitrust and consumer protection laws.
Freedom of Information Act A Citizen's Guide On Using The Freedom Of Information Act And The Privacy Act of 1974 To Request Government Records.
Case Citation Finder
CaseClerk Resources you need, prices you want, simplicity you deserve! Law, Legal Resource, Case Library Research
Counsel Listings
Dates of Decisions Dates of Early Supreme Court Decisions, 2 Dall through 107 U.S. (PDF)
Free Case Law - LexisOne Search free LexisNexis® case law for the past 5 years and U.S. Supreme Court decisions from 1790. Choose from three methods of research to meet your needs, ranging from FREE available sources, to unlimited flat-rate libraries by the day, week or months.
Slip Lists
U.S. Courts Administrative office of the U.S. Courts: US Supreme Court, US Courts of Appeals, US District Courts, US Bankruptcy Courts, Circuit Map
U.S. Sentencing Guidelines (USSG) Provides links to United States Sentencing Guidelines and Amendments.
U.S. Supreme Court - Official Website Recent decisions, Docket, Oral Arguments, Merits Briefs, Bar Admissions, Court Rules, Opinions, Orders, Case Handling Guides and more...
U.S. Supreme Court History
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - FedWorld.gov Search and View Full Text of Supreme Court Decisions Issued between 1937 and 1975.
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - FindLaw Supreme Court Decisions by volume, by year. 1999-2005 and recent decisions.
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - LII This database contains decisions of the Supreme Court from 1990 to the present, plus selected historic decisions from the founding of the Court.
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - OYEZ Browse US Supreme Court decisions: by volume, by year · Recent Decisions-2003.
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - USSC+ Access the entire USSC+ database through your web browser. This product features our 2,800-term subject index; powerful full-text searching; extensive hypertext linking; and contains every case dating back to 1972. Fee-based.
U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - US Supreme Court Monitor Contains the full text of 7407 US Supreme Court Decisions from 1937 to 1975. Two search options are provided: search the full text of decisions or...
ABA The American Bar Association provides a Lawyer Locator. It is the largest voluntary professional association in the world. With more than 400,000 members, the ABA provides law school accreditation, continuing legal education, information about the law, programs to assist lawyers and judges in their work, and initiatives to improve the legal system for the public.
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Attorney Locate Our lawyer directory and attorney search make it easy to find a lawyer!
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Expert Witness or Consultant We link attorneys, law firms and legal professionals to thousands of leading experts.
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Find Lawyers by State Select a topic, enter city county or zip, select a state.
Florida State Bar Association Our directory lists active, inactive, and retired members of The Florida Bar.
International Lawyer Network The Nation's Premier Managed Legal Care Program, Select an Area of Law, a City and a State to locate your ILNTM attorney!
Law Info Attorney Search/Lawyer Directory. Qualified attorneys you can count on.
Lawyers.com Find a lawyer based on geographic location or Find a lawyer based on area of law.
Lawyer Search From Thompson Legal Record. Search two ways: Find and compare attorneys or law firms by name. Find and compare attorneys and law firms based on their experience in particular areas of law.
Lawyer Shop LawyerShop is a resource that allows you to find information from lawyers in your area who provide legal services pertaining to your legal rights, including plaintiff's rights for personal injury, traumatic brain injuries, auto accidents, wrongful death, medical malpractice, cerebral palsy, and defective products.
Legal Connection FindLaw’s LegalConnection service is an advertising service paid for by law firms in relevant practice areas and geographies that helps connect people with lawyers in the FindLaw network. FindLaw’s LegalConnection service is not a law firm nor is it a lawyer referral service. There is no charge or obligation for submitting your case through this Service.
Legal Match (Step 1) Consumers Present their Case at LegalMatch. (Step 2) LegalMatch Immediately Contacts Member Attorneys with Case Details. (Step 3) Member Attorneys Respond to Cases that are of Interest. (Step 4) An Attorney/Client Match Is Made.
Martindale-Hubbell Research an attorney's credentials by name searching, find a law firm or browse a list of firms by city or category
MyLawyerConnect LegalConnection is a free service that matches you to attorneys in your local area.
Search Lawyers & Law Firms Search through 250 countries on the Hieros Gamos website.
Search for Private Investigators Private detectives and investigators use many means to determine the facts in a variety of matters. In all cases, private detectives and investigators assist attorneys, businesses, and the public with a variety of legal, financial, and personal problems.
Split-Up.com Find a Divorce Professional - Family Law Software, Inc. maintains an online directory of professionals and services to help people with divorce related issues. We make every effort to ensure the information is current and correct.
West's Legal Directory Profiles of more than 800,000 lawyers and law firms, find legal representation
All About Forms
ALP Publishing
California Judicial Council FORMS: Free California Judicial Council and the Administrative Office of the Courts forms are provided online as Adobe Acrobat documents (PDF)
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Forms Guru
FreeAdvice Legal Forms & Documents FreeAdvice offers a choice of over 36,000 state specific legal forms and documents that professionals use . Prepared by lawyers specifically to comply with the laws of your State, most forms are available at reasonable cost for downloading in Word® format, and your satisfaction will be guaranteed by the forms vendor, U.S. Legal Forms, Inc.
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U.S. Legal Forms, Inc. U.S. Legal Forms is the original and premiere site for legal forms on the Internet. Over 36,000 legal documents and forms, including wills, name change, real estate and more.
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (Champus) Provides information about Tricare/Champus.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) Provides a comprehensive selection of information for everyone interested in considering joining, or learning more about Medicare HMOs.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Provides information about the Occupational Safety and Health Act hosted by the US Department of Labor.
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) Briefly reviews important features of alternative health care systems, and how they operate.
Social Security Administration (SSA) Provides complete Social Security information and resources in an easy to read newsletter format.
U.S. Copyright Office Provides information about the U.S. Copyright Office including current legislation, publications, and announcements.
U.S. Patent Office Provides information about the U.S. Patent Office including forms, laws, and the latest information.
Hastings Women's Law Journal
The University of California Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal
West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
Richmond Journal of Law & Technology
Stanford Law & Policy Review
Law Journals, Newsletters & Bulletins
Search Law Legal Publications
Code of Federal Regulations - FindLaw Source: FindLaw, provides a most comprehensive set of legal resources on the Internet
Code of Federal Regulations - NARA Source: National Archives and Records Administration
Federal Register - FindLaw The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents. FindLaw, provides a most comprehensive set of legal resources on the Internet
Federal Register - NARA The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents.
Thomas View Legislation, Congressional Records and Committee Information. Acting under the directive of the leadership of the 104th Congress to make Federal legislative information freely available to the Internet public, a Library of Congress team brought the THOMAS World Wide Web system online in January 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress.
U.S. Code Legal Information Institute. This version of The United States code generated from the most recent official version made available by the US House of Representatives.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Provides detailed information on the Uniform Commercial Code.
U.S. History Docs A FindLaw resource featuring: The Avalon Project, US Historical Documents, National Archives and Records Administration, Overview of the U.S. Courts, The Federal Judicial Center, The Federal Judiciary Homepage, U.S. Department of State International Information Programs, United States Sentencing Commission, United States Supreme Court and more....
U.S. Public Laws Government Printing Office. Public and Private Laws. GPO Access contains the text of public and private laws enacted from the 104th Congress to the present. The database for the current session of Congress is updated when the publication of a slip law is authorized by OFR. Documents are available as ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
ABA Do You Need to Find Legal Help? Although the American Bar Association cannot help you directly, there are many people out there who can. This site will guide you to a list of resources in your state. Most legal issues are regulated by the law in the state where you live, or where the problem occurred.
ARAG Direct The ARAG Association, LC believes Americans need easy access to consumer-friendly educational information to help them deal with their legal needs. The Association Membership is designed to give you information and guidance about your personal, non-business legal needs.
CALI CALI is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit consortium of law schools that researches and develops computer-mediated legal instruction and supports institutions and individuals using technology and distance learning in legal education. CALI was incorporated in 1982 and welcomes membership from law schools, paralegal programs, law firms and individuals wishing to learn more about the law.
FindLaw FindLaw is a high-trafficked legal Web site, providing the most comprehensive set of legal resources on the Internet for legal professionals, businesses, students and individuals. These resources include Web search utilities, cases and codes, legal news, an online career center, and community-oriented tools, such as a secure document management utility, mailing lists, message boards, free e-mail and information about lawyers and law firms
FreeAdvice.com FreeAdvice.com is unit of Advice and Counsel Incorporated, also known as the Advice Company, which was founded in 1991 and has been an Internet leader since 1995.
Free Legal Advice Forums
Heiros Gamos An inclusive guide to legal resources, worldwide. Find law firms and lawyers. Find expert witnesses. Find court reporters, process servers and investigators.
Infomine Contains useful Internet resources like databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, mailing lists, online library card catalogs, articles, and directories of researchers. Infomine is a virtual library for university-level researchers.
KnowX Free & Fee-based, a comprehensive source of public records on the web
Law Guru LawGuru.com was originally started in 1996 by a Los Angeles law firm and has evolved into one of the most popular legal web sites on the Internet. It is offered as a free service to the entire Internet Community. Please note that Website Broker, Inc. is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice.
LawLinks Links for law libraries, referrals to consultants and support services, has a consumer center and an action line which may help with legal problems, geographical listings of attorneys
Legal Database Legal-Database.com should be used for informational purposes only. The publishers are not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice, and nothing in this site should be construed as such. Although Legal-Database.com is written by lawyers, they cannot render legal advice per se.
Legal Information Institute The LII is known internationally as a leading “law-not-com” provider of public legal information. We offer all opinions of the United States Supreme Court handed down since 1992, together with over 600 earlier decisions selected for their historic importance, over a decade of opinions of the New York Court of Appeals, and the full United States Code. We also publish important secondary sources: libraries in two important areas (legal ethics and social security) and a series of “topical” pages that serve as concise explanatory guides and Internet resource listings for roughly 100 areas of law
Legal Professionals Resources FindLaw's Legal Professionals Channel is designed to help you with your practice-specific legal information needs. Browse the practice area topics for the latest legal news, case law, and analytical articles relevant to your practice. FindLaw's online resources also allow you to search for a case or research an attorney. Resources organized by practice area.
LexisOne LexisNexis® The Resource for Small Law Firms
LLRX.com LLRX is a unique, free Web journal dedicated to providing legal, library, IT/IS, marketing and administrative professionals with the most up-to-date information on a wide range of Internet research and technology-related issues, applications, resources and tools
Nolo Self-Help Law Center Nolo Press who publishes books on self representation in legal disputes, a catalog of self-help legal books, easy-to-use article library on business and consumer law
Public Legal Resources FindLaw's Free, 24/7, legal resources for the public includes Accident & Injury, Adoption, Bankruptcy & Debt, Bankruptcy Alert 2005, Car Accidents, Child Custody, Child Support, Criminal Law, Drugs & Recalls, Divorce & Separation, DUI/DWI, Elder Law & Aging, Employees' Rights, Estate Planning, Family Law, Immigration Law Lawsuits & Lawyers, Living Wills, Marriage & Prenuptials, Medical Malpractice, Mesothelioma & Asbestos, Mold, Personal Injury, Probate & Estates, Real Estate, Securities & Stocks, Traffic Violations, Truck Accidents, Vioxx, Workers' Compensation, Wills and more...
Rominger Legal Where legal research begins on the web.
Small Business Legal Resources FindLaw's Small Business resource center is designed to offer the following: Bankruptcy, Business Operations, Business Organizations, Business Laws, Collections, Employment Law & HR, Finance & Banking, Forms & Contracts, Immigration Law, Incorporation, Intellectual Property, Starting a Business, Taxes, and more...
State Laws - FindLaw Resources by jurisdiction.
The US Constitution US Constitution in it's entirety, original Senate document, more...
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WashLaw Washburn University School of Law’s guide to legal research on the web
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