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Bank of America
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Bank of Canada
Exchange rates, 10-Year Currency Converter
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Conversion and Calculation Center home page that contains links to our measurement conversion, currency exchange rate, world time zone, reference information, and other pages
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Exchange rate chart per 1 U.S. Dollar
Exchange Rates
The given values on this site are gathered from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, representing the 12 noon buying rates and the International Monetary Fund, according to their availability. Values and dates are believed to be reliable but this site makes no warranties regarding these values, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or availability.
Federal Reserve
Foreign Exchange Rates. The weekly release is posted on Monday. Daily updates of the weekly release are posted Tuesday through Friday on this site.
Currency converter.
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Find out what your cash is worth abroad.
Currency Tools "I"
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The Universal Currency Converter
Oanda Currency Converter
FXConverter (Foreign Exchange Currency Converter) is a multi-lingual Currency Converter with up to date exchange rates provided from leading market data contributors and is filtered for validity.
Pacific Exchange
A service for academic research and teaching provided by Prof. Werner Antweiler at UBC's Sauder School of Business
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Archived monthly exchange rates in pdf file format for downloading. (Past 15 months)
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Check out our on-line forex rate and currency exchange rate for over twenty countries - whatever forex rates you are looking for you should find them here! We also have the latest gold prices. Scroll down to the bottom of the page - they are listed after the foreign exchange rates.
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Welcome to Currency Converter, where you can convert to and from major foreign currencies.
We provide the latest currency exchange rates between your choice of currencies, and we also show you the recent history of this rate, provide a JavaScript calculator to allow you to convert arbitrary amounts to and from each currency, and we give you some extra information about each currency so you will know what to expect when you see it.
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The world's most popular currency tool.
Currency Tools "X"
The world's most popular currency site
Yahoo Financial
Currency Converter. Historical chart data and daily updates provided by Commodity Systems, Inc. (CSI).Quote data provided byReuters
.Data and information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes.
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